Another problem I came up against was making sense of how the database was organized. The Excel files each have three tabs: Heading, Pendant Detail, and Notes. Whereas the database has almost 50 tables. It was overwhelming. To help me write the queries, I prepared a file that acts as a key between the Excel files and the Khipu Database files, explaining where to find everything. You can access the Google Sheets file here. I have provided brief explanations of the tables below, the kind of explanation I wish was included in a Readme file with the KhipuDB_SQL zip file. The database can be downloaded from the Harvard Khipukamayuq website, direct link here.
![]() |
photo taken by Dr. Gary Urton, found on Khipu Gallery "canuto" refers to the woven or wrapped portion above the khipu pendant cords |
Tables in KhipuDB_SQL
Note: anything with "dc" in the title contains explanations of the abbreviations used in the database, like Ascher cord color OB is "moderate olive brown". I don't know the purpose of the tables labeled "flat" or "processed". If you have any additional insight to the tables, please leave a comment and I'll update the blog entry.
- app_config_data Creates a database named "collca", (the Quechua word for storehouse) and configures the database.
- archive_dc Notes for where each khipu archive was found.
- ascher_canutito_color Canutito is a small canuto (see image above), and refers to the khipu that have a woven textile attached to the primary cord, from which the pendant cords originate. This table contains color data for each canutito.
- ascher_canuto_color Contains color information for each canuto.
- ascher_color_dc Descriptions for the color names used in the database.
- OB is ISCC number 95
- To convert R_DEC, G_DEC, and B_DEC to standard RGB values, use the formula R = R_DEC * 255
- ascher_cord_color Colors of each cord. Gives the range, because maybe a cord changes color partway through. Provides the color name, but also separates each color code and the operators in between:
- COLOR_CD_1 = "KB"
- OPERATOR_1 = ":"
- COLOR_CD_2 = "W"
- attachment_dc Explains what R, V, and H attachment types mean
- beginning_dc Explains the abbreviations used for the beginning of primary cords
- canutito Canutito data: start and end position, length, and notes
- canuto_cord_flat Canuto cord data
- compare_seriation I don't know the purpose of this table.
- cord Data for each pendant, subsidiary and top cord, as well as knots and markers. Has length, ordinal number, thickness, ply, fiber type, recto/verso attachment, and cord name.
- cord_cluster Contains the spacing and grouping of cords, example: "6.0 cm group of 5 pendant(s) (1 - 5) space of 1.0 cm"
- cord_color_notes
- cord_color_processed Seems to be used by Carrie specifically. I don't know its purpose.
- cord_flat I don't know the purpose of this table.
- cord_notes
- cord_processed I don't know the purpose of this table.
- cord_test I don't know the purpose of this table.
- cord_top_level_flat I don't know the purpose of this table.
- cord_type_dc Contains no information
- cord_value Has the cord value and alternate cord value for cords. It does not have the cord value for all cords, only 293 of the 38,000 cords that have knots.
- cord_value_components I don't know the purpose of this table
- cords_to_explore Contains no data
- fiber_dc Explains the abbreviations for cord fiber types
- grouping_class_dc Explains the abbreviations for cord classification (K for knot, T for top cord)
- khipu_blob_notes Contains khipu notes. "Blob" is a data entry type in SQL that is not limited by characters.
- khipu_defaults Not sure of its purpose, seems like an early version of the primary_cord table
- khipu_main Khipu metadata. Museum name, provenance, etc.
- khipu_notes Contains khipu notes, but is not as complete as khipu_blob_notes
- knot Knot information such as direction (S or Z), type (single or long), value, number of turns
- knot_cluster Knot information such as start and end position, number of knots
- knot_type_dc Explains the abbreviations used for different knot types
- pcord_colors_processed I don't know the purpose of this table
- pcord_notes Notes for primary cords. Some, but not all, of these notes are also included in the primary_cord table.
- pigmentation_dc Explains the abbreviations used for pigmentation
- primary_cord Data regarding the thickness, ply, length, beginning and termination of primary cords
- primary_cord_attach Some khipu were found attached to others. This table describes those attachments.
- primary_cord_processed Appears to provide the sum values of all pendant cords on each khipu
- regions_dc Describes the North/South region of the provenances given in the database
- routines I don't know the purpose of this file. Does not contain any input data, nor does it create tables. Perhaps used for internal purposes.
- structure_dc Explains the abbreviations used for different structure types
- termiantion_dc Appears to be added by mistake
- termination_dc Explains the abbreviations used for different termination types
- urton_khipu_type Marks whether khipu falls into certain categories including seriated, banded, census, anomalous, etc.
- x_canuto_color_flat Contains data regarding canuto lengths, ordinal position, and colors used.
How to convert KhipuDB_SQL files to SQLite format
I created a simple program that builds an SQLite database from the KhipuDB_SQL files. I considered just posting my SQLite database here, but I chose this method for two reasons. First of all, I don't want to run into copyright issues. Second, I don't know when the Khipu Database will be updated.
To run SQL queries, I prefer to use a GUI called DB Browser for SQLite to browse the data and run queries.
To get the Khipu Database in an SQLite format:
To run SQL queries, I prefer to use a GUI called DB Browser for SQLite to browse the data and run queries.
To get the Khipu Database in an SQLite format:
- Visit the Harvard Khipukamayuq website and click on Khipu Data Tables.
- Click on Full Database (SQL) to download the Khipu Database in a zipped file
- Extract the file (in Windows, you can just right-click the folder and select Extract All)
- Download my KhipuDBtoSQLite conversion program
- Follow the instructions to create a database in SQLite on your computer
Having trouble with the KhipuDBtoSQLite conversion program?
I am a novice at computer programming, so if the program doesn't work, here is how you can create the database manually:
- Open the folder containing the KhipuDB_SQL files. You should see a bunch of files beginning with collca_ and ending with .sql
- Create a new SQLite database named collca
- Open each file and make the necessary adjustments. You don't need all the files, just the ones listed below.
- For each file, find and replace the following terms (you can open all of the files as tabs in Notepad++ and replace them across all the files at the same time). be sure to include a space before each term and the ( at the end, this will prevent changes from being made in the notes columns.
- replace the following list with TEXT(
- char(, varchar(, tinytext(, text(, blob(, mediumtext(, mediumblob(, longtext(, longblob(
- replace the following list with NUMERIC(
- datetime(, date(, datetime(, time(
- replace the following list with INTEGER(
- tinyint(, smallint(, mediumint(, int(, bigint(
- replace the following list with REAL(
- float(, double(, decimal(
- The following strings should be replaced with a blank
- DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
- Replace \n with 2 spaces
- \\" with \"
- \' with ' ' (that's 2 single quotes)
- 195177 with ñ
- 195179 with ó
- 195169 with é
- Now you can open your database. Copy and paste the CREATE TABLE and INSERT INTO codes as queries and run. This will create and fill the tables.
Tables to add to your database:
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