Monday, July 16, 2018

Eye color change from gray to brown

Babies changing eye color

As a scientist at heart, I found it very interesting to watch my child's eyes change color. I wondered, what do babies eyes look like as they change color. So I tried to document it, but babies... move. And close their eyes as you take the picture... But I did get some good shots that show how the change occurs.

With his genes, he was born with gray eyes, which then went bright blue, followed by the slow shift to brown. In my husband's family, all the kids started with brown or black eyes, so the gray was quite a shock. We knew he would have brown eyes (my eyes are blue and my husband's are so dark they appear black, simple Mendelian genetics), but my family was surprised that he still went through gray and blue.

1 week
1st month (bright blue with professional lighting)

8 months - you can see the brown coloring starting to deposit at the pupil and filter out through the iris

2 years
4 years

Monday, January 15, 2018

Japanese Game Review: CandyMaker

CandyMaker (料理ゲーム 洋菓子店ローズ ~ほのぼの再建記~) is a free Japanese game available on the Google Play Store for Android devices. It's available in the US region Google Play Store.

It is a simulation of a candy store. You collect ingredients, buy cookbooks or test out your own recipes, and serve dishes to earn in-game money, which can be spent on more recipes, ingredients, or upgrades. The graphics and gameplay are tranquil.

Japanese level: Suitable for all levels

Beginners: The ingredients come with little pictures, so even if you can't read Japanese, you know what you're working with, and it can help reinforce basic food words like milk (牛乳) and eggs (卵).

Intermediate and Advanced: The recipes are presented as riddles for Japanese speakers to solve, so instead of saying "小麦粉" (flour), it says "基本の粉" (a basic powder), which may require some dictionary effort for intermediate levels and a minor challenge for advanced speakers.

English Tutorial, for those who don't understand the Japanese one in the game.

This is your candy shop. The cash register shows how much of each item you have, and the asking price. The memo pad allows you to read notes you took from hitting the street.
Here you can collect ingredients for cooking
Mix up to 3 ingredients, and choose the method of preparation

Pick any of the shops to buy ingredients, recipes, etc.

Pay off your loan

This is your inventory

your recipe book

this recipe failed

the tsukuru! button lets you cook directly